Ticket Info



We all need a little cake with our theatre sometimes. See a show to create a memorable experience for your family and friends.

Choose from either a Saturday or Sunday at the 11:00am or 2:00pm show time to take full advantage of our party discounts.

To Book a Party

Contact our Patron Services Manager
Alan Kayanan
Tuesday–Saturday, 10:00 am–4:00 pm (All voicemails about parties will only be answered during those times. Thank you!)

Our Parties

  • Flat rate of $375 includes:
    • Small room fee (capacity of 15 children and 15 adults maximum)
    • 15 tickets to see the production on stage at the time of your party
    • One-hour party to follow the show (a total of a 2 hour and 45 minute rental period including set-up, the performance, and clean up)
    • Refrigerator and freezer for your refreshments
    • Reserved seating in the theatre
    • Special birthday announcement at the beginning of the show
    • Rental host/hostess to facilitate event

Add Ons

  • Add $25 for a room upgrade to the larger Blue Room (capacity of 25 children and 25 adults maximum)
  • Add $75 for a room upgrade to the combination Yellow and Blue Room (capacity of 40 children and 40 adults maximum)
  • Any additional tickets at special rate of $16.50 per person
  • Add $15 for tableware (primary color tablecloths, white plates, napkins, forks, cups)
  • Extended party time may be available for 2pm parties at an additional fee. Please check with Patron Services Associate prior to booking.

Party Policies

  • Reservation is secured by non-refundable room rental fee of $127.50
  • Once the reservation is secured, 15 tickets will be reserved for you. Remember to book at a higher number so we can ensure there is room in the theatre for your group. You can reduce your numbers the week of the party. 
  • Please call the box office no later than one week before your party to finalize number of guests and pay remaining balance. We accept VISA, MasterCard, and Discover over the phone to secure your party date. We also accept cash and checks if you would prefer to come by the Box Office in person.
  • Party room rental available only to parties attending an ATMTC show.
  • All Birthday Parties must abide by the Room Rental Agreement sent to you in your Birthday Party Package.
  • No price adjustments or substitutions.
  • All Birthday Parties are subject to our Ticketing Policies.

Ordering pizza? Special thanks to our local pizza partner, Potomac Pizza! They use the freshest ingredients to create both traditional and specialty pizzas. Their trans-fat, cholesterol-free pizza dough and sauce are made from scratch every day on premises without dairy, nut or egg products.


How many tickets are included in the flat fee?

15 tickets. Additional tickets are $16.50 each. 

What’s the difference in tickets and the room capacity?

The theatre and the party rooms are separate rooms. The default party room (yellow) can hold up to 30 people with some standing and some seated. We encourage you to see the space before booking. 

What is your adult-to-child ratio inside the theatre? (How many of those 15 included tickets have to be adults?)

Two adults minimum per 10 children is our adult-to-child ratio. Those two chaperones must be aware that they are responsible for the behavior of the children inside the theatre and they require tickets. 

Do we get reserved seating?

Yes! We reserve center section. If your party is big enough or requires accessibility, we may reserve other areas to accommodate. We will be in communication with the party parent about this. 

Does the party host entertain?

No, they do not. They are your assistant for the duration of the party and can help decorate, clean-up, pass out cake, sign for catering, load and unload, etc. They are not responsible for the conduct of children. 

What is a typical schedule like?

30 minutes before show begins: Parent enters the space.

15 minutes before show begins: Guests arrive.  

5 minutes before show begins: Party guests are led into the reserved seating section of the theatre. 

Show begins. Typically shows last 1 hour. 

Show ends. Guests are led back to the party room. 

45 minutes after the show: Party host will recommend wrapping up the party and assist parent with any clean-up that is required. 

1 hour after the show: Parent exits the space. 

Can I get more time?

This is only available at a 2pm performance, and it will depend on the availability of the host and space. Additional rates apply for the extra time. 

Do I tip the host?

Yes, we encourage you to tip. 

What do I tip?

We encourage you to show your gratitude in any amount, but we recommend a minimum of $40 (10%). 

Do parents usually pay for everyone? Just kids? How should I handle people wanting additional tickets that are not included in the invitation? 

This is going to depend on your budget. Our two most typical parties we see are parents paying for all attendees to see the show OR paying for just the children plus the minimum required chaperones. 

If you decide to charge for additional people, you can send around a link to the parents to purchase general admission tickets at full price. Or, you can decide to collect the money for additional discounted $16.50 tickets depending on how much time you have. 

What else do I need to know before filling out the birthday party form?

We are in a National Park, there are restrictions on balloons (no distribution allowed) and substance use on premises. Please call us to discuss if you have concerns or questions about these policies.

Additionally, you are restricted to the party room and the theatre lobby restrooms as a part of this rental. Children/adults  may not wander through the theatre or business offices. 

I want to order pizza for my party. How do I do that?

Adventure Theatre MTC will place the order on your behalf. A minimum of 5 pizzas is required for a pizza order and to give the party a pizza discount. If you want to order fewer pizzas, you may do so directly through Potomac Pizza without a discount. 

Do you have a freezer or fridge?

Yes, we have both!

Can I bring other food?

Barring any future exclusivity with a potential sponsor, yes, you may bring other food. Good examples include cake, sandwiches, ice cream, donuts, etc.